User management

Managing users in your Conformio account

Implementing and maintaining an ISO 27001 project includes many people from an organization. That is why you will need to add your colleagues to Conformio and manage their accounts.

The User Management setting is located in the left navigation pane in the Company Settings section of your Conformio account. This section is visible only to Conformio account Admin.

Here you will see a list all users in your Conformio account with a few details: first and last name, their Conformio role, job title, status, and last activity in your Conformio account.

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Figure 1. Overview of users list in Conformio account

Adding a new user

If you want to add a new user, just click on the “Add New User” button in the upper right corner.

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Figure 2. Add a new user

Fill in the user details and, after clicking “Send Invite,” they will get an email with a link and instructions for how to get on board with Conformio.

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Figure 3. Fill in new user details

Editing users

To edit an existing user, you can click on the arrow of the user you wish to edit.

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Figure 4. Click on the arrow to open user details

To open the details of the user page, click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. A pop up will open with user email, company position, and name, and you will be able to edit them.

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Figure 5. User details page

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Figure 6. Edit user email, company position, and name

On the User Profile page, you are able to see ownership of all steps, document registers, and modules where that user is assigned as the owner. This is just an overview of the ownership, and it is not editable from this place.

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Figure 7. Overview of user’s ownership in the Conformio account

Send password reset to a user

If the user forgot their password, you are able to send them a password reset email.

In the bottom right corner, you will see the “Send Password Reset” button. When you click on it, the user will automatically get an email with a password reset.

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Figure 8. Send password reset

Deactivate a user

You can deactivate a user from your Conformio account. Click on the “Deactivate” button in the bottom right corner and the user will be deactivated. This means that the user won’t be able to access the Conformio account. In the same way, you can activate a user who is deactivated.

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Figure 9. Deactivate user

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Figure 10. Deactivated user in the users list

If you need any assistance in managing users in Conformio, let us know at:



  • ASIC is recognised by UKVI in UK, is a member of the CHEA International Quality Group in USA, is a member of the British Quality Foundation, and is an institutional member of European Distance and E-Learning Network.

  • DNV GL Business Assurance is one of the leading providers of accredited management systems certification.