Where does quality management / ISO 9001 fit into your organization?
ISO 9001 is the premier business standard used to facilitate the satisfaction of customers through effective operation of a Quality...
ISO 9001 is the premier business standard used to facilitate the satisfaction of customers through effective operation of a Quality Management System. More than 1.5 million certificates were awarded in 2015 (source: https://www.iso.org/the-iso-survey.html), which represented...
How ISO 9001:2015 can improve your supply chain performance in the retail sector
The ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard is designed to be applied across many sectors in the business world, and if applied...
The ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard is designed to be applied across many sectors in the business world, and if applied correctly, can bring many benefits to the overall performance of a business. One recent sector...
10 steps to attract a major customer using ISO 9001:2015
Those who have worked with ISO 9001:2015 know it is a management system that is recognized and used worldwide, and while...
Those who have worked with ISO 9001:2015 know it is a management system that is recognized and used worldwide, and while individual organizations utilize their QMS (Quality Management System) differently, accreditation to the standard nonetheless provides some...
Gaining employee buy-in for your ISO 9001:2015 implementation
Implementing an ISO 9001:2015 compliant Quality Management System (QMS) normally requires a lot of work from a lot of people within...
Implementing an ISO 9001:2015 compliant Quality Management System (QMS) normally requires a lot of work from a lot of people within an organization, but one aspect that it is possible to overlook is the importance of...