ISO 9001:2015 process vs. procedure – Some practical examples
In a Quality Management System (QMS) there is a distinct difference between what is meant by a process and what...
In a Quality Management System (QMS) there is a distinct difference between what is meant by a process and what is meant by a procedure, and confusing these two concepts can become a problem during...
Watch Your Language! Don’t confuse processes with procedures
Many industries use industry lingo or jargon to communicate within the industry. It could be jargon used as short-hand to...
Many industries use industry lingo or jargon to communicate within the industry. It could be jargon used as short-hand to convey a variety of work-related information, or it could be a more technical language based...
Deciding Which Procedures to Document in QMS
If you are implementing a Quality Management System, you may struggle with the decision of what needs to be written...
If you are implementing a Quality Management System, you may struggle with the decision of what needs to be written down, and this is common. While only six documented procedures are required (see List of mandatory...