Information security policy – how detailed should it be?

Quite often I see information security policies written in too much detail, trying to cover everything from strategic objectives to how many numerical digits a password should contain. The only problem with such policies is that they contain 50 or more pages, and – no one is really taking them seriously. They usually end up serving as artificial documents whose sole purpose is to satisfy the auditor.

But why are such policies extremely difficult to implement? Because they are too ambitious – they try to cover too many issues, and are intended for a wide circle of people.

This is why ISO 27001, the leading information security standard, defines different levels of information security policies:

  • High-level policies, such as the Information Security Policy – such high level policies usually define strategic intention, objectives etc.
  • Detailed policies – this kind of policy usually describes a selected area of information security in more detail, with precise responsibilities, etc.

ISO 27001 requires that Information Security Management System (ISMS) Policy, as the highest-ranking document contains the following: the framework for setting objectives, taking into account various requirements and obligations, aligns with the organization’s strategic risk management context, and establishes risk evaluation criteria. Such a policy should be actually very short (maybe one or two pages) because it’s main purpose is for top management to be able to control their ISMS.

On the other hand, detailed policies should be intended for operational use, and focused on a narrower field of security activities. Examples of such policies are: Classification policy, Policy on acceptable use of information assets, Backup policy, Access control policy, Password policy, Clear desk and clear screen policy, Policy on use of network services, Policy for mobile computing, Policy on the use of cryptographic controls, etc. Note: ISO 27001 does not require all these policies to be implemented and/or documented, because the decision whether such controls are applicable, and to what extent, depends on the results of risk assessment.

Because such policies should prescribe more details, they are usually longer – up to ten pages. If they were much longer than that, it would be very difficult to implement and maintain them.

In other words, information security is too complex an issue to be defined in a single policy – for different aspects of ISMS and different “target groups” there should be different policies. Middle-sized organizations usually build up to fifteen policies for their ISMS.

One could argue that this number of policies is nothing but overhead for a company. I would certainly agree if such policies are written only with the certification audit in mind – such policies will bring nothing but more bureaucracy. However, if a policy is written with the intention of decreasing the risks, then it will most probably show its value – if not right away, then probably in two or three years, by decreasing the number of incidents.

To learn more about the development of security controls in your ISO 27001 implementation, sign up for a free trial of Conformio, the leading ISO 27001 compliance software.

Advisera Dejan Kosutic
Dejan Kosutic
Leading expert on cybersecurity & information security and the author of several books, articles, webinars, and courses. As a premier expert, Dejan founded Advisera to help small and medium businesses obtain the resources they need to become compliant with EU regulations and ISO standards. He believes that making complex frameworks easy to understand and simple to use creates a competitive advantage for Advisera's clients, and that AI technology is crucial for achieving this.

As an ISO 27001, NIS 2, and DORA expert, Dejan helps companies find the best path to compliance by eliminating overhead and adapting the implementation to their size and industry specifics.