ISO 14001 通讯


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  1. 您将从何起步?
  2. 您有多少选择?
  3. 您将如何去做?
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  6. 开始实施项目



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What is evaluation of compliance and how to do it according to ISO 14001?

All organizations interact with the environment, and, most likely, that interaction is subject to compliance obligations, established either by governments, by local authorities, by customers, or by industry organizations. So, an important activity within any Environmental Management System is to periodically evaluate the organization’s compliance, communicate the results to top management, and develop actions to ...Read more

Evolution of ISO 14001: The history of the leading environmental management standard

There is no doubt that ISO 14001 is one of the most successful management standards used by companies worldwide to improve their environmental performance and, thereby, save resources and money and gain prestige among consumers. Since its first publication in 1996, more than 300,000 organizations around the globe have implemented an Environmental Management System following ...Read more

How to use an ISO 14001 self-assessment compliance checklist

Implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 is not the same for all organizations. Often your company will already be doing something about environmental protection, even without the ISO 14001 requirements, so how do you compare this with what is required? How can you tell if these processes meet ...Read more

ISO 14001: Steps in the certification process

Although it is not mandatory, many companies that are using the ISO 14001:2015 standard to create their Environmental Management System (EMS) will consider having the system certified through a certification body audit. As was mentioned in the article List of ISO 14001 implementation steps, the certification audit happens after you have completed your entire implementation. ...Read more