How to demonstrate resource provision in ISO 27001
The availability of resources is a critical point in any endeavor. You can have the best ideas and the best...
The availability of resources is a critical point in any endeavor. You can have the best ideas and the best intentions, but if you lack resources you are doomed to failure. So, it may seem...
How to identify ISMS requirements of interested parties in ISO 27001
“If you do not know where you’re going, you’re unlikely to end there.” This saying from the title character in...
“If you do not know where you’re going, you’re unlikely to end there.” This saying from the title character in the movie Forrest Gump describes perfectly why many projects fail: lack of clear requirements. Definition...
How to integrate ISO 27001 controls into the system/software development life cycle (SDLC)
Updated: March 27, 2023, according to the ISO 27001 2022 revision. Information security is only as good as the processes...
Updated: March 27, 2023, according to the ISO 27001 2022 revision. Information security is only as good as the processes related to it, yet we find many organizations concerned only about whether security features exist...
How two-factor authentication enables compliance with ISO 27001 access controls
Access control is one of the cornerstones of security. If you cannot control who access what, you cannot ensure security...
Access control is one of the cornerstones of security. If you cannot control who access what, you cannot ensure security at all. Because of that, access control stays in the main focus of security teams...
Enabling communication during disruptive incidents according to ISO 22301
Disasters and disruptive business incidents push people and organizations to their limits, and one of the first impacted elements are...
Disasters and disruptive business incidents push people and organizations to their limits, and one of the first impacted elements are communication systems. Depending on incident type and magnitude, increased demand for communication, or communication infrastructure...
Beyond the BCM Manager: Additional roles to consider during the disruptive incident
A crisis or disaster is something that no organization, regardless of its size, wants to go through. Because of this,...
A crisis or disaster is something that no organization, regardless of its size, wants to go through. Because of this, many of them adopt business continuity practices, such as Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) based...