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Where does quality management / ISO 9001 fit into your organization?
ISO 9001 is the premier business standard used to facilitate the satisfaction of customers through effective operation of a Quality...
ISO 9001 is the premier business standard used to facilitate the satisfaction of customers through effective operation of a Quality Management System. More than 1.5 million certificates were awarded in 2015 (source: https://www.iso.org/the-iso-survey.html), which represented...
The benefits of ISO 9001 implementation in the call center industry
Over the last 10 years, call centers have become a large part of how we communicate with many organizations. Whether...
Over the last 10 years, call centers have become a large part of how we communicate with many organizations. Whether household utilities, personal banking, tax issues, or even dealing with federal or local government, the...
How SMEs can use ISO 9001 to grow their business
Achieving ISO 9001 accreditation is a milestone for any business, and given the work, man hours, and finance involved this is...
Achieving ISO 9001 accreditation is a milestone for any business, and given the work, man hours, and finance involved this is especially true for any SME (small to medium-sized enterprise). Whatever the reasons for seeking compliance...