What does ISO 27001 Lead Auditor training look like?
Updated: August 20, 2023. In the last four years I’ve been preparing and presenting a lot of trainings for ISO...
Updated: August 20, 2023. In the last four years I’ve been preparing and presenting a lot of trainings for ISO 27001 Lead Auditor. At the end, participants understand that this is just the beginning of the...
What is an Information Security Management System (ISMS)?
Updated: November 8, 2023. If you’re working with ISO 27001, you’ve surely came across the term “Information Security Management System”...
Updated: November 8, 2023. If you’re working with ISO 27001, you’ve surely came across the term “Information Security Management System” or ISMS. Pretty vague term, isn’t it? In the following article, we will give you...
Key performance indicators for an ISO 27001 ISMS
Think about a medical exam. Our objective is for the physician to tell us that our health is ok and...
Think about a medical exam. Our objective is for the physician to tell us that our health is ok and that we’ll live a long life, right? And how does the physician evaluate our health...
How to manage changes in an ISMS according to ISO 27001 A.12.1.2
Changes are necessary in the information technology sector, mainly because every so often it is necessary to update servers, systems,...
Changes are necessary in the information technology sector, mainly because every so often it is necessary to update servers, systems, etc. But risks (seen from an information security point of view) arise when changes are...
ISO 27001 Certification: What’s next after receiving the audit report?
For those who already run a management system, like an ISMS based on ISO 27001, the certification audit event is already...
For those who already run a management system, like an ISMS based on ISO 27001, the certification audit event is already known: the auditor arrives, performs the audit opening, evaluates processes and records, states the result,...