List of procedures for managing environmental aspects

Environmental Aspects are the identified ways that the processes of your company interact with the environment, either positively or negatively. By knowing and understanding these you can control the negative impacts you have on the environment. Below are the typical six categories that are used in environmental aspect identification, and some items that would be included in some typical procedures that would be associated with them.

For more information on identifying and classifying environmental aspects see ISO 14001 Environmental Aspects: What are they, how do they work?

Emissions to air

Guideline for Vented Fume Hood Management: What chemicals are approved to use under your vented fume hoods? How often are the filters cleaned and replaced? How do you dispose of the filters that are full of chemicals? How do you monitor the output of your vent filter?

Guideline for Smoke Stack Management: What chemicals are produced from your smoke stack? How often do you clean the stack?

Pollution of land

Guideline for Oil Management: How do you store oil to prevent leakage and environmental spills? How do you discharge used oil?

Discharge of water

Guideline for Wastewater & Sewage Management: How do prevent unintended waste water from entering the storm drains? What waste can be disposed of through the drain system? How do you dispose of waste sewage that is not to go down the drain?

Use of materials / natural resources

Guideline for Energy & Water Management: How do you track your energy and water usage? What must employees do to reduce the usage? How do you control that this does not increase?

Solid waste management

Guideline for Waste Management: What sorting do you have in place (e.g. recycling, composting)? How do you control that recyclable and reusable articles do not go into the waste disposal?

Guideline for Waste Tires Management / Guideline for Waste Vehicles Management: How do you control the removal of waste tires from vehicles? What is the plan for disposal of the tires or vehicles when they are finished use?

Guideline for Electronic Waste Management: How do you dispose of e-waste? Can you recycle these articles in your community, and if so where?

Hazardous waste

Guideline for Hazardous Substances Management: How do you control the storage of hazardous waste until disposal? What safeguards are in place to ensure that hazardous waste is not mixed with regular waste? How do you control the transport of hazardous waste from your facility? Who is authorized within your company to arrange transport and which suppliers are authorized to perform the removal?

Guideline for Medical Waste Management / Guideline for Pharmaceutical Waste Management: What process do you have implemented to ensure the safe disposal of medical and pharmaceutical waste?

Guideline for Used Accumulators and Batteries Management: How are used batteries and accumulators safely controlled when stored at your facility prior to disposal? How are they disposed of to limit environmental impact (e.g. recycling)?

To comply with all ISO 14001 requirements, use this helpful ISO 14001 Premium Documentation Toolkit that provides all EMS documents.

Advisera Mark Hammar
Mark Hammar
Mark Hammar is a Certified Manager of Quality / Organizational Excellence through the American Society for Quality and has been a Quality Professional since 1994. Mark has experience in auditing, improving processes, and writing procedures for Quality, Environmental, and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems, and is certified as a Lead Auditor for ISO 9001, AS9100, and ISO 14001.