ISO 27001 & ISO 22301 Nieuwsbrief

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Gratis ISO 27001 / ISO 22301 Adviesgesprek

We hebben ISO 27001- & ISO 22301-consultants klaarstaan om met u te praten over waar uw organisatie staat en wat voor volgende acties er te nemen zijn. We weten hoe gecompliceerd zaken kunnen worden, en we zijn er om u begeleiding te geven waarop u kunt vertrouwen.

Vind meer informatie en ondersteuning in onze ISO 27001- & ISO 22301-Blog

How to implement ISO 27001 Annex A controls by using AI

If you’re implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS), you’re probably wondering how to implement ISO 27001 controls from Annex A. There are 93 controls listed in this annex of ISO 27001, and most people get confused over which documents to use, which technology they need, what kind of evidence to produce for the certification ...Read more

How can ISO 27001 training help with CISO certification?

Completing training courses in ISO 27001, the international standard for information security management can be a valuable asset and beneficial to a CISO’s career. Not only does it demonstrate a CISO’s expertise in the field, but it also provides a framework for effective information security management. This article will explore the importance of CISO certification ...Read more

How can AI help ISO 27001 consultants?

So, you are an ISO 27001 consultant, and you think generative AI will take away all of your clients? Or you think generative AI will never be accurate enough for some serious work? Well, I believe none of this is true — I think that AI-powered tools will become very smart, and that skillful consultants ...Read more

How to implement ISO 27001 using generative AI

If you’re starting to implement ISO 27001, you probably have questions about what the standard requires, how to organize the project, how to implement each step, which documents to write, how to structure each document, who should be in charge of implementation, what kind of evidence needs to be created, etc. And the good thing ...Read more

How can ISO 27001 help SaaS companies?

Cloud environment usage inevitably raises concerns about information security. Users expect information they stored, such as customer, personal, and sensitive data, to be in safe hands. They aim to choose a service provider carefully, so that they can sleep at night knowing that their data is secure. Therefore, SaaS companies are expected to be viable, ...Read more

ISO 27001 2013 vs. 2022 revision – What has changed?

ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 are being updated during 2022, so there is a great interest in what will change. Here are the most common questions we typically get, and the detailed explanations.Read more