What is the job of the quality management representative?
There is no longer a specific requirement in ISO 9001 to assign a management representative for the Quality Management System,...
There is no longer a specific requirement in ISO 9001 to assign a management representative for the Quality Management System, so why is it still important for top management to assign one? Is it just...
ISO 9001 Design Verification vs. Design Validation
Probably the most misunderstood concept in the design requirements of ISO 9001, if not the entire standard, is the difference...
Probably the most misunderstood concept in the design requirements of ISO 9001, if not the entire standard, is the difference between Design Verification and Design Validation. These two steps are distinctly different, and important in...
Six Key Benefits of ISO 9001 Implementation
Have you ever tried to convince senior management that implementing a good idea is worth the cost? If you can...
Have you ever tried to convince senior management that implementing a good idea is worth the cost? If you can show that spending $100 will save $1000, it is easy to sell, but for an...
Quality Management System: What is it?
What is QMS A Quality Management System, often called a QMS, is a set of internal rules that are defined...
What is QMS A Quality Management System, often called a QMS, is a set of internal rules that are defined by a collection of policies, processes, documented procedures, and records. This system defines how a...
Checklist of ISO 9001 implementation & certification steps
If your company is looking at implementing a quality management system (QMS) based on the ISO 9001 standard and becoming...
If your company is looking at implementing a quality management system (QMS) based on the ISO 9001 standard and becoming certified, you might be overwhelmed with figuring out where to start. To help with this,...
13 Steps for ISO 9001 Internal Auditing using ISO 19011
How can you make internal audits more effective? By using the 13-step method of audit activities outlined in ISO 19011,...
How can you make internal audits more effective? By using the 13-step method of audit activities outlined in ISO 19011, you can use the same trusted framework that is employed by the certification bodies. The...